Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lately everytime I run to the grocey store I hear comments about my couponing, how little I am going to pay today and where do I find all those coupons. So I figured it is past time that I put much more effort into my blog and get the word out to others wanting to find some good deals. Not to mention okay yeah I am mentioning that my baby of the big age of 5 started kindergarten last week and now I have time to sift all the deals I am lucky enough to find from my mind into my fingertips.

Hope this helps save you some cents!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hi and Welcome : )

I am a mother of five (4 boys and 1 girl) Money is tight...isn't it for the majority right now? I spend lots of time looking for the best deals and coupons that I can use to make my life easier, stocking up so I don't have to make a special run out just for one item. Don't you just hate hearing a kid yell Moommmm last roll of tissue, or is it worse they don't tell you at all? My goal is to share every good deal I come across with others hopefully there is something you can use, some tips you think are interesting and you just plain like reading about what goes on in a busy day.
